Aug 23, 2008

XTO - Short

Trading on Fridays over here is sometimes tricky. My wife often makes dinner plans and seems to forget that I don't have ordinary work hours. Yesterday I shorted XTO off a break of the 12pm bar low (:15). After a small pullback, price dropped but since I knew I wouldn't be around before the close I scaled out a bit on the pullback. I had to leave at around 1:25 EST and reluctantly exited my full position at 48.11 or so. Left a lot of profit on the table but that's just how things go. It's a very nice setup, though and I would've absolutely floored if this trade wouldn't have worked out.
My IB workstation is down so no screenshot today.


TraderAm said...

Got the same entry. Nice...

QQQBall said...

mice trade. shame to had to leave it when it was rolling down hill.